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Foreteen N MMXX

Well we dodged the 13F bullet successfully neither harm nor foul and now moving forward. Saturday morning, Yet another GORGEOUS day and happy, happy, happy.

My faith in people and specifically citizens of the United States continues to erode the more I get out, about and actually engage in ‘intelligent’ conversation.


Seriously … ?

As far as politics, voting and Constitutional process(es) as applies to this election is horrific. They simply do NOT know and can only regurgitate ‘facts’ from the last episode of the ‘news’. Or even worse, gossip.

It is like they are not DRINKING the cool aid, they are HOOKED up to a cool-aid IV complete with a pole.

It is very sad to me. The Founding Fathers are rolling in their eyes AND turning in their graves

Coupled with the paranoia created with the chinese flu the slide only escalates and cascades to dangerous levels.

The long and short of it is that most, MOST people cannot think for themselves.

I have much to do and things ratcheted up yesterday.


I reread an email from the Woodlands Art Council and the Call for Artists has already gone out AND the deadline is within TWO (2) week which includes Thanksgiving.

So to say ‘planning is critical’ is the understatement of the decade. So far. If I wish to participate and of course I do. I have been strat planning this for years now and the time to go tactical is here. NOW.

The WWAF is HUGE and would mark the highwater mark of my artistic career to this point.

There is a high probability my application won’t be accepted on the first attempt but unfavorable odds in a situation such as this can be thrown to the wind. It is why they actually PLAY the game(s) versus NOT just going with the ‘odds’ on paper.

Anyway, I AM going for it, all out, and starting now.




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