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Jl 31 take your pick. I am just getting this report it in under the ‘deadline’ wire for this month without a ‘penultimate’ entry. I see by my sundial that it has been like over a week since the last report so I better get after it.


I was about to get to the entire highlight package and you are right back to your old ways of interrupting rudely and the timing is SOOO wrong.

I now have a roommate.


I went to Houston and brought S1 home. We could not perform a clean discharge from one facility to the next due to insurance issues. Abbreviated and truncated, the insurance people are simply disgusting and all the talk about ‘compassion’ for the ‘patient’ is out of the window. A major disappointment to say the least. We have met the out-of-pocket AND the deductible obligations and now this ‘out-of-network’ card is being played. Same facility, same doctors now it’s 'out-of-network’.

‘Someone gave you some ‘bad information and made a mistake.’’

Yeah THINK? Guess what?


Don’t start that. Not yet anyway.

But I know one. I got a suspicious email from their office. Something about ‘new invoices’. I hadn’t done any business with them or spoken to anyone in months so I called. Connie answered the phone and she recognized either my voice or my name came up on their caller id.

Before I could get far with the suspicious email she told me they were hacked.

Now hold that thought.

So I am in Houston, Thursday morning about 8:30am this email comes in from paypal saying my invoice for July is ready. So I look at it as I monitor these things closely and I suddenly OWE $1000. It seems ‘’ bought two (2) $500 gift cards at Wal-mart and if I didn’t authorize this charge, to call the number highlighted.

So I called and spoke to ‘Christopher White’ but it sounded more like Raj Patel. Anyway, I fell for it and by the time I told them I was disconnecting the call and claiming suspicions they had what they needed. So now I am on high alert and nada until early Saturday morning I get a summary from the bank and there is a $1000 charge/payment to an AmEx card. I am now sick to my stomach but I gain my wits and had a plan activated shortly after the sun came up.


Not on your life Ms Bold Caps. Those pukes and mudder-effers are watching. When I called AmEx customer service to report suspicious fraudulent activity I got an ‘agent’ in New Delhi. I UNLOADED on him and without delay asked to speak to an American. He agreed, tried to make the transfer and all lines were 'busy' and could he help me.

He asked what the problem was and I told him my Indian story on the recorded line. I now hated all Indians and am going to push for India becoming a nuclear test range. Captain Bandy was spot on when he said they were 'filthy people.'

We will be circling the wagons Monday and going after them bright and early.

I actually got some work done with S1 this weekend. It requires much patience and diligence in the name of safety. His safety and my sanity. I am very fortunate to have read two (2) outstanding doctors specialists in TBI and rehabilitation. Knowing why things are happening, what to say and how to respond constructively without causing additional problems is huge. I am holding on and we are doing OK but it is becoming evident that this may not be a long-term solution. For now were are trying. I mean the med management is staggering. Not even THINKING 'what if' one were to get missed.

Anyway, it is getting late and I didn’t want July to end with a number of ‘dead days’ and a reader might get alarmed or concerned and not make good on their pledge.

So see you in August as the ride continues.

Never a lack of action here at the cloud. We didn’t even touch on the Hunter Biden circus or things political. Next time MAYBE there is news from the McK pineapple plantation and Research station with pictures and first estimates on this years harvest. I was holding out for a slow day. Now THAT'S funny.

On another slow day I was going to introduce a new mystery guest correspondent. The problem is the legal department or the A-‘team’ is still reviewing. It could be another 24-73 hours , 30, 45 or 90 days. They have no rules. Just wrong.

I think I will introduce them in August. There was too much this time and it's late. I need some extra time to polish this character. Keep in mind I am living for two (2) and the gaps might be a bit longer than ‘normal.’ But I expect things to settle one way or the other in a couple of weeks. The HH100 and training have been suspended for the time being and we are waiting for a break. At least I won't have to worry about 'close calls' and idiots on the roads.

Hang in as I am fine. Again, too worried about falling into a bad habit of not posting. Some one said with blogging to remain 'consistant' which I THINK means keep producing or in this case posting.

Too much of a delay and I MAY lose readership as in one (1).

Cheers peeps.

Remain strong. Get some sun, stay cool and hydrated.



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