LIII Junius
A Friday in Ordinary time as your month of July winds down. I'm still preferring and referring to it as June. The daily schedule and routine has a medium-grade alteration for the simple reason to keep things interesting.
Well Honey, I am FOCUSED on relaxing and relaxation.
I’ll give you a touché and partial credit for that.
I have checked the account balances, finances and all good.
Tomorrow is GDR105K so gearing up for that mentally and emotionally. Looking at 4-5 hours in the morning as the air is warming. Later today I will make all the necessary pre-ride preps so tomorrow morning get up, saddle up and get after it at first light.
WORDS OF WISDOM: The sooner you start the sooner you finish.
Lots of float time for projets artistique. Yesterday there were significant gains painting production lots of tropical fish for the small frames. I have spotify running thru the cave_soundbar for new fresh tunes CRAMKED. Johnny Thunder LIVE. Stick a fork in me as I MAY BE done.
Alternating dips in the cement pond, run the fans inside in the room working only for max cooling efficiency.
I think it is going to be anywhere from good to grande.
I have one (1/uno) load of laundry going for today only ans clean sheets tonight instead of Sunday. That’s a slight variation make note Ms. Bold Caps.
Going to cook something great tonight. Smaller to smallish maybe build a fire in the hibachi, bottle of celebratory wine. Are you getting the drift?

I was listening to the Red Sox v yankee game on radio from Vermont last night and it didn’t look good so I gave up, switched to telly and promptly fell asleep.
When I woke up this morning first thing, checked the scores sheepishly saw the Sox 5-4 winners in 10, a tsunami of joy overtook your correspondent.
I ALMOST teared up the Joy was so great. Todays image is the cap of the day.
Otherwise a slow news day. Here are a couple of stories I only wish I had the powerful imagination to make up. Supplied strictly for the weak of mind with little to nada for an agenda this day.
HELL-OH? You’re body odor says you need a bath … or a shower … or a swim … or deodorant. GET REAL AND TRY LIFE FOR A CHANGE !!
This is a BEAUTY. Makes me think I left FL a little too soon.
NEWSFLASH … Hey Honey. You can swim in my blue cement lagoon anytime. I’ll leave the gate open AND make you a sandwich !!
Send phone number, profile & references.
AND FINALLY … in the event that you are starved for a subject or topic to ponder in advance of your next cocktail party, this …
I only WISH I had the imagination-time continuim to make something so … intriguing … up. (?, !)