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The fifty-eighth day of June 2021 and I COULD NOT wait to get out of bed and go online to see what the Cardashans, and the Royals were up to or who was displaying the ‘ripped’ abs in the neon bikini bottoms.

Following me so far?


I had a link to a story from Pa (the state directly south of ny), where another woman was nabbed in someone’s pool and refused to leave when the police (aka cops or coppers) showed up. This woman was ALLEGEDLY taking a dip in this strangers pool with her daughters.

Make yourself at home baby.

I have a vision of these babes being NOT of the centerfold material but 'challenged' and/or ‘less fortunate’, imbecilic and marginally morons.

IFFEN photos, profiles and phone numbers were included, this COULD be a healthy and beneficial TREND in this part of McK anyway.

I looked back in vain to find the link to include for proof' but couldn’t relocate it and finally gave up to move on.

Shame on me and accept humblest apologies.

This story link could have happened to me on my first trip to Mexico and the Yucatan.

The event is documented in the journalistic account. I went to swim in a ‘cenote’, followed directions given at the hotel front desk down a paved and winding path thru knee-high grass with serrated edges to what amounted to a small jungle pool in a clearing.

I jumped in and got right out and back to the hotel for after I was pondering the ‘go-no-go’ of the circumstances and situation cannot believe to this day that I did jump in AND have Thanked God MANY TIMES for I could have been attacked, eaten and not heard from again.

It probably would have been a caiman versus and alligator or croc.

OK. That’s it and enough for now.

Running out of my June, your July however we still have Augusto left in summer before things turn cool and cold.

Projets artistiques exclusively on the agenda this, old radio programs and Red Sox versus Toronto in a double header today as they were rained out last night.

Yesterday at the Mexcian market there was a 'managers special' on apricots. I am planning of going back on Friday and purchasing a quantity to make some jam, conserve and nalewka. Coconut, pineapple and coconut-flavored rum as extra added ingredients. BABY!!

Yes, it is ANOTHER FINE DAY here in Paradise.


I can swim in the cement lagoon without the worry of a alligator, caiman, crocodile or shark attack.

What a comforting feeling.



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