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May One: Kentucky Derby day

May NOT. First of My, OFFICIAL two-character designator for this month and we go forward.

You know things are returning to ‘normal’ as the ponies will run for the roses at Churchill Downs TODAY a little later.

At this hour, EVERYTHING is a little later today.

I was going to go but Brady didn’t return my call. I am thinking Tom is a big shot now that he moved to Tampa. Maybe next year when the mask and vaccination nonsense is fully lifted.

I went to bed early, consequently awoke and got up early and had such a smashing day yesterday I am looking ahead to repeat at least some of the successes.


Well, I don’t have a lot of time but a clue is having a long, large and aggressive ‘plan(s)’.

Yesterday was complex but I ticked off pretty much everything in order with a couple of real bonuses. Let’s look at those first because they are the most exciting and iffen we have time towards the end fill in with ‘other news’.

One nagging project that is NOT getting done is the new, larger wine rack for the floor in the pantry. I went to the orange box and FORMER employer HD and tried ‘self-guided tour and assistance’ in Hardware (aisle 11/fasteners) and failed locating a suitable screw (read set of …) which is holding up final assembly of the rack.

I looked up Elliott’s Hardware and they opened a store in Allen which was a mild shock as I no longer get surprised.

I found it and arrived shortly after opening and showed Chris, the Hardware ‘therapist’, explaining my project and what I was looking for in a screw.


Do NOT let your mind drift into the gutter here. I know it sounds like a rating change to ‘PG-21’ but not so.

I explained the length was important, head configuration not so much and


OK. That’s enough.

I finished at Elliott’s and across the street was Big Frog, a small shop doing custom tee-shirts. So I went in for a scout around.

Sure enough, small orders ‘no problem’ and get ready for THIS … NO MINIMUM for a shirt order!! This is EXACTLY the place I was looking for. More from this as that campaign developes.

Emma checked in with a hot tip and heads up for the Kentucky Derby.


Never you mind. I am not going to explain pari-mutuel betting to you therefore NOT sharing. Thanks Emma.

BIG NEWS, Yours truly received a nice letter yesterday from Smilin’Joe, aka Gropin’ Joe aka The Plagarist informing that I should be receiving ANOTHER stimulus check in the next 7 (seven) days.

Not ANOTHER one …!! ??

Were my Dad still alive, I would ask Him what to do with it since I don’t need it.

I KNOW what His answer would be.

Keep it, save it or spend it and IF you send it back THEY will THINK you’re an *sshole (*).

So there you are. Thanks Dad.

I am reluctantly and shamefully going to put it on the pile with the rest.

There is a sort-of date tonight or today. I think it is Iris but not positive. Not going to push THAT envelope for it COULD BE Agnes. I am THINKING it MAY be lunch but she hasn’t checked in so she may have forgotten and I am not in the mood to send out ‘reminders’ for such things with shows on the horizon.

That’s about it for now.

Oh, I started the application process for Art-ober-fest in Galveston and promptly received an electronic invitation to the 41st or 43rd Fine Art show in Lubbock. Kind of intriguing and interesting.

Oh x2, I had another sale of a shorebird from the Old Galveston Trading Company. Got a call and the check is in the mail.

OK. I think NOW that’s it for the moment AND today.

Emma, thanks again for the reminder. I checked bourbon supplies and DANGEROUSLY low on the Makers.

You CAN spend more, a LOT more on REALLY expensive bourbon to impress what … ‘friends’ ?

But one can get only so smashed and the hangover is EXACTLY the same.

‘Maker’s Mark is MY CHOICE.’ WS



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