Nov XX
It’s been a few days since the last report from the edge and I really want to remain in a rhythm, pattern or habit of not dallying and delaying between entries so as not to upend paying patrons should it ever get that far. Right now I am wondering.
A few newsworthy links with comment or opinion-special editorial for starters.
Hockey hall of fame inductees enshrined. Marian Hoosa certainly deserves the honor and recognition. The consummate team player, hard worker and by all accounts good guy AND a winner. Sounds like he did everything right.
I see where there is now a labor shortage. This is the perfect storm to allow more immigrants into the country to do those ‘nasty’ jobs. This link headline proclaims American’s ‘quitting jobs’ and I am wondering without reading said link, if, IF perhaps the prospects of being required to receive inoculation with an experimental vaccine MIGHT have ANYTHING to do inflating those numbers making such a decision.
Honestly I don’t know what I would do under those conditions and circumstances. SO GLAD that I do NOT have to make that call. Common sense, education and experience point in one direction and not taking that path being mandated is another issue.
I arrived at a conclusion long ago NOT to expect the government, ANY government at ANY level, to have my best interest in mind and be the LEAST BIT concerned for my well-being. Especially the Federal government AND especially at this time with president Howdy Doody and clarabell at the helm.
The Age of Incompetence has officially arrived, it starts at the top and is filtering (trickling) down at an alarming rate.
Take customer service.
Since the last report I have had skirmishes with UPS and Amazon spending literally hours on the phone trying to reason with people that don’t seem to have much of a clue OR concern at all. They apologize to no end ‘Mr. William’ and when I hang up the phone I vow not to use them again.
Here’s another item from a favorite piñata. The Fooch. Tony Fooch.
I suspected this guy from the get go and it is bearing out. This dude, arrogant little dude, is 80 years old and states in this article I recall that he won’t resign.
That’s fine dipstick. Simply RETIRE for a graceful way out to pasture. Go ahead and live that dream and pitch for the Washington Nationals. Bounce grandchildren on your knee what ‘normal’ octogenarians do and NOT wreck world economies for hire. ENFORCE MANDATORY RETIREMENT AGE 65 ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES.
Last night it was chilly here so I put down the latest read in favor of telly. Stalin is entering his most active formative years which is most interesting and slower to read.
I watched a movie that sounded interesting on amazon prime.
Dragon Day was a contemporary film when the chinese initiated a cyber attack on the US west coast.
First thought was ok, thin the herd.
Then it got scary. They ran out of water, then food, the sheriff and law enforcement flipped and turned rogue and then looters & shooters took over.
Of course there was more to it and plenty as in too much gore.
Spoiler alert, just in case, the ‘just look away’ card and it isn’t real went live at the very end. Perhaps I should spoil it and save readership the gruesome seat shifting but … let me ponder that.

Procrastination Station warming the bench on this Saturday morning. I finished a shorebird yesterday and that will be today’s image. A spotted sandpiper is sold and is posted on the instagram page. Very pleased and so glad I decided to check and then repaint JUST BEFORE shipping.
Also, I heard back via electronic mail from my good friend Paula at Dallas World Aquarium identifying another unusual tropical fish. The foxface rabbitfish was in a photo with the species I was investigating at the time which was the Vlamingii tang. Once you learn the ID, one opens the door WIDE with unlimited images via the www. But without knowing WHAT it is, you flounder. (SO sorry)
Anyway, the sun is shining teasing. Smart money KNOWS it is cold but will warm to above 16° by early afternoon. At that time trot up to the range for a small bucket to remain sharp and loose for Monday.
Still not excited or enthused about playing golf on Monday but times for loops at CCC are counting down. So I must make the most of it. Besides, going over to FW will allow for a great pizza at my new favorite place. I’ll order a large and bring home and freeze the remaining slices to extend the pleasure for a cold winter night.
And they are coming.