Ocho Mayo
I survived yet another weekend in fine style. Accomplished much and as always more to do. Such is Life.
The Friday night celebratory feast was moved to late Saturday afternoon and it was great. So much went on with numerous projects, yard work and even training rides. Weight dropped to OUNCES away from 170 which is encouraging after some spring binges.
I foolishly took on yet another task that I do not have time for. Donnie is writing a book but as he says he ‘can’t write.’ I kind of have to agree with him on that but I made a mistake when I told him I had done just that type of writing earlier in my career. So I was drafted, conscripted or shanghaied whatever you prefer to know it as. I started that exercise with the introduction. I need to figure out how to get out of the entire project OR strategically postpone the whole thing which I am thinking highly unlikely. But he is a good friend and helping out is in our nature, his and mine.
I have a number of links.
DO NOT read this entire article for it will be a total WASTE of your time. The headline is sufficient and enough said. So what ELSE is new …?
SO how was YOUR weekend Fans & peeps?
I liked Madison B when he was with the Giants and he is a straight, square shooter. As professional athletes go, he is a REAL person not caught up in the swirl.
A delightful headline. Didn’t read this one for I don’t know any UPS drivers.
Smilin’ Joe sending more of MY money to fund the Ukrainian-Russian shit-show and circus.
I forgot what this one is about but anytime the police are arresting numerous illegals there HAS TO BE a story underneath. Read it and tell me what it is. Por favor.
Here’s a report from Shedlock Holmes. Kind of figured Tigger might be thisaway.
I TRY to get thru the yahoo ‘news’ headline listing of ‘articles of worth’ without splitting a side laughing OR puking or as my Mom would say ‘vomiting.’
Speaking of Mom and Mother's day, I called my Mom to find out if the card got there on time. She was thrilled I called and like the card. I was thrilled the card arrived BEFORE Mother’s day this year and tried to remember what the card even was. I bought 3 or 4 in a hurry and didn’t pay too much attention because I was on the run.
Sunday was glorious with sports on the radio app.
Four (4) Stanley cup playoff games off & on ALL DAY and into the evening with Kings V Oilers.
At intermissions the battle of the Sox, red versus White in a very early East Coast start for Mother's day. I was listening with S1 and the Red Sox announcers were the bottom of the barrel for the entire game. Will Fleming wets the bed sheets and Tom Gordon can barely articulate enough to speak let alone call a game. Talk about forcing a former player into the booth. Nightmare above home plate.
I must next start drafting some sort of major plans for the upcoming week.
On Monday notifications go out via email selections for the ‘SURFACE’ texture art show in Norfolk, VA. If accepted THAT project jumps to the top of priorities. The sign for the AZ steakhouse should be ready to ship on Monday as great progress was realized o’er the weekend. I need to text Dieter about a couple of questions on hanging. It will need a couple of coats of exterior sealer for protection against the elements.
The second sign gets worked in or the schedule slips.
NOTE TO SELF: Must become a better juggler.