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S1 2022

A new month, the season is noticeably changing and life is kind of settling into mild seasonal rhythms as life, both plant and animal get ready for Fall and ultimately Winter.

Enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee this morning as I plot which pa are of the higher priority AND the most fun. I am keen to paint which doesn’t happen often and the Watching the cards first production lot of three (3) has shelves that need holes drilled and the gulls need to move along. I have requirements for about 25 of the small carved sea gulls. They are stated, cut out and in various stages of progress some even nearing completion.

I continue to study the substack and see a minor difference(s) in ‘views’ and ‘visits.’ One post topped out at 38 VISITS, the next post reached the 11 and yesterday, with NO POST, the line hit 20. The statistics just fascinate me and I am sorry for that. I mean 20 views, without a post makes me ask myself questions.

There’s been a hunter sighting …

NEWSFLASH … these ‘diplomats’ as reported by Fox are spies, stealing secrets, cutting illicit deals and seeking ADDITIONAL influence. Don’t be fooled. Inflation is NOT an issue it’s just the 11% for the bg.

What if Donald Jr or Jared the K did such a hienous crime? The msm would have a cow or a livid circus. Nothing new here...


Thanks for changing the topic.

A reread actually. John Ott and Light and Health. I loaned it so S1 and got it back after the accident and we shut down and moved to storage his apartment. This is how old it is. An actual paperback and the price at the time was $1.95. The first chapter towards the end I was nodding out and marked the place. I awoke in the night and picked up at that point . Ott was explaining the challenged of being an inventor and a scientist in his time and it was quite enlightening.

It resonated that every single life has challenges to be overcome. You meet them head on, attack a plan and succeed or fail. Learn 'a lesson' and move on. Or quit. But quitters are an entire other story for another time.

Musically, yesterday while circling the bases on errands, I discovered a band doing ‘happy music’. Check out the bop-a-dips on spotify for grins. Lots of covers of moldy oldies but lighter and bouncier. I mean YOU KNOW the words and the endorphin and dopamine blast is always welcome.

While at the McKPL and re-upping my library card, I checked out a dvd from the History channel. I THOUGHT History’s mysteries sounded good and dropped in the disc with the Sox v twins on low volume. It had two episodes so I said ho-hum and took it out replacing it in the case and found THREE (3) more discs which was a sweet surprise so more tonight or next session whenever that might be.

The Red Sox won last night on the road from Minnienoplace. Too little too late I’m thinking. The team just is not there playing with an intensity and consistency that is easy and fun to follow.

Speaking of ‘sweets’, EMMA, I tried Kemp’s Black Jack cherry frozen yogurt on your recommendation and it was grande. ALL stars. Wearing my fine artist cap, it is a little too soft in consistency but I think that is a characteristic of fro-yo. The chocolate pieces are terrific in size and number and there could be more cherries but that’s a personal preference. And the food coloring making the body color ‘pink’ could be done without.


Listen, I give is a ‘LIKE.’ In fact, the last two nights I had TWO (2) cones. Double scoops.

I received a notification from American Express via USps a system generated report ripple out from my account hack. I called them right up and got Jeffery whose English was impeccable. When I mentioned this to him he chuckled and I axed him where he was located and he said Texas. Small world as so was I !!

‘El Paso’.

‘Barely’ As in Texas.

We had a lot in common and while his system was running thru my account activity we commiserated. Turns out we had a lot in common. We both share a strong dislike for idiotic drivers especially those (them ?) that can’t figure out why turn signals are important. AND tinted windows. VERY dangerous, disrespectful and rude.

I got a training ride in yesterday. Good numbers but I won’t bore readership with them today. I have now officially entered off-season/informal regimen. Lots of flexibility with shuffling but this cycle (sorry) I want to ride four (4) times per week and one (1) 24K, two (2) 40’s and one GDR on a weekend morning. Simple and easy to keep such a schedule at least until the temperature drops to 16 C the threshold level of outdoor riding comfort.

Lunch tomorrow with Special Ed. Rescheduled from today. McKinney’s Mexican beach bar without the beach. Excellent ceviche and michelada.

No plan to leave the compound this day. I had enough yesterday and I certainly have enough to do.

If I tire of projets artistique which is highly unlikely AND improbable, I can call customer service somewhere.

OR maybe just go out back and bang my head against a wall.

There I would have a choice … brick or stone?



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