ocho Six 21
I have returned Phans and never in my wildest imaginations think I could go a week, a FULL seven days without a confession or full disclosure.
Much has transpired, miles clicked off and seconds petered away.
And guess what?
Iffen you guessed raining, you are STILL correct.
So this morning’s planning session was aborted, edited and retooled to I am THINKING it is a good day to have ADD or perhaps even ADHD. Perhaps. It matters not as there is much to do as well as much to report.
First it is nice to be back home to the friendly confines. I noticed a dark object in the cement pond and on closer inspection noticed two legs and immediately experienced PURE JOY after locating my field glasses and identified the floating mass as a rabbit. Oh I know it’s not much but it IS a start.
Add fishing out the rabbit to the ‘to do’ list this day and early on.
Did I happen to mention it was raining?
Let’s see how many I can garner in your humble opinion you flippant therapist.
OK so the Colonial is over or as we know it now the Chuck Swab CHALLENGE. The 'CHALLENGE' part zooms over my head and above my paygrade.
One local fav Jordan S choked and Jason Coatrack won. Personal highlight for your obedient servant was walking around with Will Z. Remember the run he made at the Masters this year?
Well, not really a ‘run’ as we know it but merely MAINTAINED while everyone else slipped, faltered or choked to some degree so same thing. He finished second to the jap.
I did. They say it on the old time radio shows all the time. This was after Peral Harbor.
Speaking of golf and news from there, I see my buddy John Rahm was ‘pulled’ or ‘yanked’ from the Memorial when he was leading.
What a semi-trailer of high-grade Bullshit THAT is or was. I would file a suit, very large and IMMEDIATELY. Loss of income, failing to allow him to make a living and support his family. I mean that news couldn't wait until he finished the round?
Someone (in the media) now has it in for him and he will be paying (x10) for pissing off some little prick of a writer or reporter. What a hatchet job. This is EXACTLY WHY I am NOT PARTICIPATING in any form of media … mainstream or social for you can believe NOTHING and it is ALL propaganda to help some knit-whits to achieve their little agenda.
I returned from a successful show in Galveston on Saturday. I had a fun time and made some sales. A week from yesterday (14 Jn) I should find out iffen I am in or out for ARToberFEST there in the Fall. All the plans are on hold and holding until that fork in the road is passed.
Lodging is going to require some additional creative thinking and some luck.
I did gather more intel and used the trip as a recon. I over-nighted at the Tremont which was convenient and very nice but so far over-priced to be sinful.
I must admit it was nice to have the doorman open the door however I did not use THAT door exclusively. A ‘comfort’ thing on my part and when I discovered the more discrete exit/entry for discerning guests I took advantage of that little perk.
Aside from the private street entrance, the pours at the hotel bar were up to muster. Rachel the barmaid was friendly enough and put together a proper formulation of Makers to coke. Strictly celebratory you understand.
Late Saturday night a guy about my age but probably older sat down and started flowing magnificent boasts and such nonsense seldom heard anywhere but a bar.
He was a professional soccer player at one time (FC Milano), a fighter pilot USN) and met Bono of U2 fame. Not Sonny as I was first thinking but the other Bono.

He went to his home on an invitation from the bar and they had lamb chops on the barbie. In fact, he even got a pair of those ‘sun glasses’ from Bono AND he let me try them on.
It made my day.
Have I mentioned yet the rain?