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THREE PAIR this day AND Cinco de Mayo. Anticipate, expect and look for great things today. Then write it down and file the report.

Therein Fans lies the secret to my success.

It didn’t cost you a cent as a freeloader AND you have MY PERMISSION to run with it, exploit it for what it’s worth.

ONLY THEN remember where you learned this valuable piece of information and I will be available and readily accept

the donations, contribution(s) or endorse the check if you are preferring that ancient method of payment.

Moving along this is post 995 of the old testament aka the wix side. The final countdown is closing in and has begun.

Much popping this day. I will probably have to postpone any cinco de mayo celebrations for today and move festivities to the next logical day which would be tomorrow as in Friday.


So glad that you approve. I guess that settles it then. As I mentioned crushed for time so hold all questions for after the last line por favor.

This morning already I have cut signs. The two (2) orders taken (and paid for) last Saturday at the fine art show in the Woodlands. I was musing to self while inhaling sawdust that the hard part, most labor and thought-intensive stages are completed and now it is more fun with the painting and assembly. Right now both look smashing to moi and I expect the clients or Patrons will be impressed as well.

Here shortly heading to ‘well-ness’ visit to the new doctor. Nothing wrong but a chat on health and related concerns is always a good idea.

I have a chocolate story from the fine art show that got some chuckles sharing yesterday. With a successful test of such material I will let it go here for feedback.

On the supply run to local Winco store prior to most recent trip to Houston, I bought some bulk chocolate covered almonds. I was going to ship them to my Mom which was a good idea but ran out of time and then thought I would ship them from Houston.

Well, that TOTALLY slipped my mind and when I got back home on Monday and was unpacking, I had a glob of mushy chocolate about the size of a baseball.

I resisted my first thought to toss the bag but reigned in that urge and opted to stick it in the freezer in an attempt to learn the properties of chocolate and perform an experiment in food science.

Well I forgot about it again and when I decided to try it, it was solid alright and I grabbed it and took a bite CAREFLLY as one would bite an apple. I did thing and react accordingly about breaking a tooth.

It was good for sure and all the nuts had settled to the 'bottom' and I told myself to LIMIT the taste orgy to half if I could and did manage to stop.

But about an hour or two later, not sure if the dopamine level dropped or the endorphins waned but I was back in the freezer gnawing carefully because a safe disposal seemed like the best course of action. At that time.

The next morning, when I jumped on the scale for the daily weight check, I was over 180 (180.6) for the first time since recent memory.

I am DELIGHTED to report that behaving has seen a healthy drop to 176.6 this morning so all good.

I managed to get a training ride in yesterday between rain showers. I don’t think the clouds or cards are going to be favorable today so decision time. I’m thinking a reschedule as a look ahead on BBC weather shows the summer patterns of a number of consecutive sunny days so opportunities to make up the ride will not be a problem. Coupled with the two signs on the schedule it makes sense to skip today.

Then there is WS.7 to work. Notifications for the Va exhibit go out 9 My which is practically here. If accepted I will need next the ship date and related information.

So you see it never ends.

Stanley Cup first round action continues tonight. Stars at the Flames I Calgary late. Then there are the earlier East coast games leading up to the locals. Always a great two-week stretch here with the first round of the playoffs. Lots of teams, good-to-great games sometimes four (4) per night for maybe two (2) weeks.

Time to run.



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