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Oh Thank Heaven it’s here again and already!!

Simply cannot let this it slip by unmentioned.

What a great name for a store which might feature only necessity-type items strictly as a convenience?

Put one on EVERY CORNER in the US. I’ll make gazillions …

Sell lottery tickets, water … essentials …

A terrific day is unfolding here at the cloud and I am at a convenient break point between laundry, watering & feeding the plants, projet artistiques and yard work.

Over night there was a rain event, all the way, with thunder, flashes and a fair amount of water. The main event passed thru about 2:49 with an encore closer to 4:37. Consequently things are cooler than normal and most comfortable.

Yesterday morning I completed the long GDR of 105k. Gradual Distance Ride to where we could change 'G' to mean GRUELLING.

The time was considerably longer than anticipated and planned but WAS COMPLETED.


Aren’t we funny this morning ?

Of course.

Some conditions were favorable. Early in the morning it was naturally cool before things warmed up and traffic was light.

So I went immediately over to the long course circuit figuring later when traffic picked up I would shift over to the short circuit closer to the casa to finish up.

Well, before the second hour ended I felt rain.

OK, ONE (1) drop but you need to know and keep in mind that it was getting darker and the temperature dropped indicating some sort of frontal activity leading up to a weather event.

A second and third drop(s) and I was headed back to the short course which presented problems as there was construction reducing traffic flow to one lane and the ‘WARNING Will Robinson’ alarm went off in my brain making an alternate route ah … preferred. I'm thinking safety AND survival at this point.

This put me on Alma Road North-South and actually a nice road to ride really but it didn’t last forever and making the right onto EL Dorado, more unfamiliar road and traffic warpped ergo ‘caution’.


I get it.

Well add to the mix early winds which picked up and the ride time was just under five (5) hours. But that’s ok. The objective is not necessarily to set records or personal bests every time out. Temper expectations.

Alright then.

Laundry needs to shuffle, plants are fed & watered and happy. The priority projects for the next Galveston show are aligning up nicely but still need attention.

Silver needs unloading as yesterday was NOT the day for that as the afternoon was spent at lighter activities during the ride recovery. The weight post ride was 172 so I am getting closer to that goal. The GDRs REALLY do it.

I found another radio station for free baseball games over the internet.

It is just marvy to have such a thing going on in the background while working. It’s so far superior to sitting in front of a boob tube staring and WAITING for something to happen and listening to the idiots babel.

This preferred way you just listen to the idiots babel and sometimes they say funny things, tell humorous stories or anecdotal events so bottom line is that it IS entertaining.

Time to refill the coffee, start a second load of laundry and continue working the Plans.

Have a GRAND 7-11 and Oh Thank Heaven.

May all your lottery tickets be winners.



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