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Wednesday 44 June


Not to be concerned or even worried Ms Bold Caps for it was merely an attention-seeking device commonly used and I see that it worked. It got your attention … Add 'sucker' to your resume.

The 13th was a Spectacular day here however due to a mindless and superstitious law or code, all non-essential activities are canceled.

Postponed or rescheduled.

So you see, such nonsense also does occur occasionally here at the cloud just like in real life and the US gov’t but especially politics.

I opted to not file a report yesterday and probably couldn’t have anyway because life for most of the day was like a popcorn event, tiny little things EXPLODING all over the place. So apologetically accept 24-hour delay and to follow is full disclosure until either I run out of steam or material.

So here we are and here we go. (!)

First, from the QUESTIONALBLE ‘NEWS’ as in headlines as the story is of no to zero interest or concern.

Why is this news?

Slow news day in the US?

Nothing to BASH Trump on?

How about tossing a grenade or a dozen at Feeble Joe from Scranton? OR, excuse me … ‘Delaware’.

I recall a similar such headline/story where some of these Indians were taking ‘selfies’ in front of an oncoming train and missing the mark.

SPLATTSVILLE … talk about happy ending.

This is a good news story however again not even a drop in the bucket in their OOC population. Just keep bringing them in to this country and it WILL continue to BE news.

Here’s something else I have been saying and MOST IMPORTANTLY I TRULY BELIEVE IT …!!

MORAL: Keep your teeth in tip-top shape. Extremely important to one's overall health and well-being. (WS)

Getting back to the intergalactic events of yesterday.

I made successful repairs to a faulty door knob in a spare guest room that was annoying and nagging that I finally figured out. Close examination revealed a small mechanism that was the key to getting the knob secure.

After a lengthy procress, I got the string trimmer fired up and trimmed the ENTIRE property aka estate.

I thought I was out of string, that was a wrong assumption.

I also THOUGHT I needed to buy then formulate two (2)-cycle gas. I found the 2-stroke can buried under a stack of wood in the garage. I shook the can, it was NOT empty.


You are hiilarious.

Quickly figuring the odds that the fuel would not be good, I filled the tank of the trimmer and with four (4 … FOUR as in quattro ) pulls it fired up. (!)

This to me was a borderline miracle and I finished the job working with complete and total JOY.


I am aware of that.

So it was a good day.

Today I have completed the short HIIT training ride. I did the 24K in just under an hour which WAS Hi-intensity (0:59.36).

This is with a safety stop (complete) and two (2) slows for f***ing *ssh*les driving pick-up trucks.

Finally, again yesterday, I made a deposit of the settlement check from the suit of the oily roofer trying to wiggle out of the contract or his term ‘Agreement for Repairs’.

The warrany read ‘three (3) years …’, the roof LEAKED in two (2) years and when I was gathering estimates from local roofers, they ROUTINELY give FIVE (5) years. NEVER AGAIN dealing with out-of-down schmucksters.

They were aslo to install NEW flashing and BOTH local contractors TOOK PICTURES of the flashing and it was the OLD FLASHING reinstalled. This is how bright this outfit was.

I didn’t get overly wealthy but all of my own out-of-pocket expenses were recovered which was the very least they could do. The settlement check was made out to the plantiff, signed by the defendent and it looked as thought he had a great deal of difficulty signing his name to the check.

If you ever need a reference for a roofer, I will be happy & THRILLED to tell you who NOT to use.

I got to go.

I am roaring, rocking and rolling with much to do.

One again the list is long, I am the one doing ALL the work and I really need a clone or two.

I think I am going to spend some money frivilously this day AFER I do some work and have a nice beer for breakfast.

Pffffufff !!! (Bill …gone …)



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