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Wednesday… One hump or two? What is this??


Haha. Wrong. SO WRONG.

The dromedary is the single humper.

Today’s fine looking smooth rides are Bactrian two-humpers because I thought readership deserved more.

Here's your update to be sure on a secure line. If this is a medical emergency dial 9-1-1.

This is what I come to learn to live with. One day while making such callsI inquired when I finally got thru to a human and I didn't hear the warning or disclaimer if the call was REALLY being recorded for quality and training purposes (?).

She giggled. I fell in love and we lived happily ever after.

Speeding right along ...

A number (?) of you are aware that I listen to the radio a lot. You can call it white noise and if that offends you black noise. Green noise if all other colors fail.

The application is tunein, it's free and the entertainment is infinite. Live ball games, old-time radio shows and there are also unlimited musical choices again free. For now.

It’s amazing and wonderful and helps fill the days.

After completing all of the required circle of base stops Silver & I were heading back to the fortress and joined a old radio program in progress that presented a couple of classic lines worthy of a chuckle AND sharing.

Female character in discussion with male character and asks him 'What do I look like a totem pole?' This cracked me up as pure brilliance.

Same program, moments later … 'Meanwhile, on a train to Miami…' as well got me laughing. A lightning fast change of venue and super segue.

Maybe it's just me, perhaps you have to be there. Could be the chalice of joy runneth over knowing I would soon be home, unsupervised, on my own and free no longer touchable or harassable by ANY of the dolts, idiots, imbeciles, jerks or morons that I seem to be so good at finding on my scouting or shopping missions outside of the fort perimeter. It helps to be easily amused.


The trial last night for supper was a simple salad what was good in an unconventional way. I blanched the purslane in the microwave one (1) minute before ice water bath. I am going to try two (2) minutes next time. I chopped red onion, carrot and sunflower nuts and a prepared 'organic' fancy (high-dollar) bottled dressing left by First born on a previous visit. It was tasty.

Checking the substack numbers continues to be encouraging. The views and visits continue to amuse and confuse but I am not going to dwell or linger on it. As long as the slope is trending in a positive direction which it is.

I noticed a number of views on the 13th which was yesterday. For everyone’s general information I usually do not post up on the 13th. Not really ‘superstitious’ more a mental health break. I mean I COULD do a report but I would not want the quality level of my work (such as it is) to slip.

Last night I made a killer desert treat for self.


For free? What do you THINK this is? A NON-profit???

Very well but this is NOT going to continue indefinitely.

Start with Graeter’s Madagascar vanilla with chocolate chips.


Hold comment and interruptions as I need to finish this and engage other activities today.

Topped with 2022 cold-packed whole blueberries in mint syrup. The first taste of this batch with the new recipe. Next sprinkle UNSWEETENED shredded coconut. A fair mound and again top that with a few more of the blueberries holding OR conserving the syrup. The final topping is slivered almonds.

IF I EVER make it to Death Row, and request a Last Meal, THIS WILL BE the desert.

I am NOT going to have it every night but for larger than normal celebrations only.

The wix blog is winding down in favor of the stack. The FINAL entry there will post up 18 S a significant day/date. Look up dia de la concepción.

As the blog shuts down, the website will be revamped to focus more keenly on art as in the gallery. Time has dictated this direction and I am thinking the substack shows the greatest promise of easier and sooner financial return(s) and the wix for the art is far easier to maintain and more ‘transparent’ and ‘seemless’ to the most discriminating patrons and clientele.

Finally, yesterday I received word I will not be participating in the Atrium 23 art exhibit in Frisco. The rejection is an ‘oh well’ moment. Certainly NOT the end of the world and taken in stride cum nent.


No sale(s) means no gap in inventory as in to replace AND allows more time for heightened focus on higher order things and activities.


I shall now move along.



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