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XIV febrero MMXXI

Conditions have gone deteriorated from chilly, to cold, to blistering, to brutal and now life-threatening AND it’s going to get colder still so the lexiconigraphers are scrambling and working OT to figure out the next level of cold.

In other news, some GOOD NEWS … the ice maker is working and functioning PERFECTLY. The falling ice cubes in the freezer have startled the local domicilan on more than one occasion.

Like I’m going to wait until noon for Happy Hour …

Seriously, it is wicked cold. HEY !! Maybe THAT’S it.

Oh STAFF … !! [insert high falsetto …]

First order of business was a small glass of Bill’s 2020 Blueberry-coconut cordial. THINK ‘anti-oxidants’. Chilled of course.

There is a light dusting of ‘snow’ but it could be confectionary sugar or cocaine I suppose. Not checking for either for it is supposed to get worse. Winds picking up, snow, sleet and DRIFTING an ‘new’ phenomenon here.

Happy Valentine’s day. I hope Cupid has put some clothes on and in layers. I know I have. And I hope he sees his shadow while he is at it.


The quality of your inquiries is improving immensely Ms Bold Caps.

First, the low hanging fruit.

Every President’s actual birthday will be celebrated on the day. In schools History classes and courses will be refocused and tailored by local BoE eligible for Federal and state funding to sort out program logistics for grant approval.

It will be a Federal OBSERVANCE and NOT a ‘paid’ Holiday. Federal offices will have the ‘half-day’ option where workers report and can be dismissed by first-level supervision at lunch to enjoy the day. Birthday’s of O’Bama and bin Biden will NOT be observed for all the obvious reasons. Toss in the Clintons for good measure. The pervert clown and the wannabe but NOT elected.

Cupid will fire arrows or toss darts weekly on floating ‘Lover’s’ holiday or lustful observances. Creativity encouraged AND recommended.

Look for a change of name from ‘groundhog’ to ‘rodents’ day. Celebrants can worship their CHOICE of small mammals from mice, rats all the way up to nutrias on ‘dos Febrero’. Guac, chips, cerveza and tequila. And queso

That’s about all you paid for Fans.

With no explanation I am feeling uber-creative this day.

I woke up fon ire with oodles of projects underway and some new ones. A short story is next from the keyboard after posting up and there will be a new series forthcoming called the QT which will be short for Queen triggerfish. (Balistes vetula)

Numbers 1 (one) thru Qt.5 are started and Qt.1 and .2, small prototypes being furthest along. The queen triggerfish is a large ‘tropical’ fish, very colorful, easily recognizable and so far proving easy to carve. In fact, Staff is chcking its status as even a game or 'sport' fish. Standby on THAT one.

Once again Randy comes thru with discarded wood perfect for this series. Good, solid (well, most of it … some have small checking on the ends but mostly workable) redwood.

The short story goes into the file collection.

The larger it gets the higher the probability a few or ONE converts to a money maker.

Bill chilling out.

Stay warm, stay in and enjoy and entertain thyself.


This is the only chance at Life you get.

Ask yourself if going out is worth ithe risk ...



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