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March now is dragging on and I am trying to wait patiently in Procrastination Station. But for what?

April will drag on as well when the creative well begins to run dry.

A very nice morning here today for a Monday and I am happy to report. I have hit the ground running accomplishing a couple of things already AND have a strong Plan set for the rest of the day.

The second episode of the Lone Ranger is playing on the (internet) radio. Such a THRILL when the first bars of the William Tell overture blast out.

Tonto said ‘That no good.’

What a great sidekick. A good wingman never wastes words but gets the point across.

Second day without coffee and NO ILL EFFECTS.

The taste of the HAO (High Anti-Oxidan) blend is being experimented with varying slightly with each cup the fresh squeezed lime (juice) and sweetener. It is really good hot, warm and later when it warms up iced. When happy hour arrives, a splash of coconut rum is full closure of the cycle.

I have been working projet artistiques focusing primarily on the ‘fine art’ projects first as a priority should WWAF call THAT weekend.

This will continue off & on all of this week and most of next most likely at least half of next week before the Plan switches to the Second Saturday event on the square.

NOT the PREFERRED course but it is a chance to generate some sales and revenues close to home for one day.

I have to keep telling myself to convince same that I am on the right course which of course I think I am.

Okay then?

Next on the Plan for this day is make the bed, get the HIIT workout in and just keep working down the list. Backyard jardin both in containers and out.

The quick trip out after 9:00, stops consolidated with lists within and when I get back if it is warmer than 16° (C) get a training ride in.

Then settle in to addressing the secondary items on the list.

All good.

As Tonto would say, ‘That good.’

I MAY take the rest of the month off so no alarms, calls, cards, letters or notes por favor.


Listen, I am thinking it was just something that I ate. Please, please please … no more queries on that por favor.

Instead just send in your PLEDGE that you made and got me worked up.



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