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Fluid this day witness changes to the Plan on the Fly. NEVER a problem so long as there is total agreement and it makes sense. And with a party of one it ALWAYS makes PERFECT SENSE.

A lazy Sunday morning and the Plan WAS to venture to the AKS bead, gem, mineral and jewelry show in Grapevine.

This was also on the docket Friday but was dropped due to numerous conflicts, then penciled in for Saturday but the probability of larger crowds was unappealing so that left Sunday. When I looked at the larger picture under the scope that idea was not so bright for a multitude of reasons.

For instance, it is an hour (1) out, one back and a minimum total 3 then perhaps 4 hours time spent (TS). I could use FOUR (4) Happy hours here on the Hill to much better affect.

The Qt series 1-5 are moving fast forward as a single production lot and this project is getting exciting. I COULD BE painting them ALL on Wednesday.

Also on Wednesday I am getting company. Rather a student so the place is in need of a bit of spiff.

Have I ever mentioned my affinity to cleaning?

On the medical front, I thought the gradual decline had commenced when I stepped out of bed Saturday morning.


Well, it took a bit but I did a self-diagnosis and actually sorted it all out. I am and will be fine for another spell anyway.


Very well. Look up BPPV.

Symptoms of lightheadedness (NOT alcohol induced), unsteadiness severe enough to ALMOST lose my balance but DID NOT fall down. I would use the term 'the wobbles' ...

Before allowing a full-blown panic episode to develop I did a deep-dive search and investigation and as mentioned sorted it out.

It is an inner ear problem, transient or transitory, and the ‘B’ is benign. Here is what I deduced. S Holmes would be proud.

I had taken advil (2) for consecutive nights and slept mostly on my back. I am thinking and recalling like all night in that position.

TREATMENT:There are a series of ‘exercises’, more like controlled movements, the doctor would teach or show patients in the office to alleviate the condition and low and behold, it ALL worked. Today symptom free and unnoticeable.

I laid low all day yesterday engaging in only low impact activities. I took a hot bath, clean sheets and a mellie and made it a point to spend time sleeping on one side or the other when waking during the night and avoided prolonged sessions flat on the back.

It has something to do with the movement of fluids in the inner ear and repositioning (redistributing ???) them in the little cavities in there. APPARENTLY the older one gets, the more common these little ‘ailments’ become.

So glad I didn’t have a serious fall or have to go to an er for God only knows what one could be exposed to in such a location.

You know when one gets into THIS bracket, you check out AND leave. NOT the bracket, but the Big Game. Sometimes one gets 'pulled' faster than a late-inning relief pitcher.

I am not lucky but will accept 'fortunate'. I PREFER to state that God is watching and by one of His Many mysteries has once again allowed me to play again tomorrow which is now today.

This is Bill signing out … and waiting for the Fall.

But Spring First and foremost.

March in like your lyin’.

toots peeps.



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