31 0 18
All Hallow’s eve AGAIN and where does the time go? The MOST axed question coming out of the vapors this morning is ‘Bill, will this...
29 10 18
It was a Monday, I took the day off to recover. I didn’t really need to but decided to let the world turn and the humans race. I was...
28 O Eighteen
Sanchez get the call to go to WS (World Series), file report in most unconventionally but economical & financially responsible ways. Him...
Two Seven Ten Eighteen
He walked into the coffee shop like he was walking onto a yacht. But it could have been a posh country club so he slowed his step. It...
Twenty-three Oh 18
I just read a couple of quick headlines that are SO preposterous, so conniving, marginally insane and to me seeming to play people,...
Twenty-something O 18
I have another unusual event this morning. I know … right ? The situation reminded me of the lyrics ‘he didn’t know if it was day or...

Friday 18+1 O 18
Reporting back from Houston in the cloud, on the island and it is a GREAT morning to wake up and get going. However that’s EVERY day....

Seventeen O 18
Reporting from Houston between games 3 & 4 in ALCS. What a great game last night. Read on for the Take and the Spin. Two exceptional...
Rain. All week and 6 deg C. Looks like Fall is here to stay. How do you spell ‘miserable’? Visitors were a nice & welcome change so...
12 O 2018
FRIDAY. Some things will NEVER change and also for this we must be thankful. BUT WAIT … ISN’T CHANGE ALWAYS GOOD ? Most times change can...