10/11 O 2018
BONUS double-dip, two-reports in one and ONLY highest of highlights follow. Read on for you will NOT want to be OOL (out-of-the-loop) …...
O ate 18
Well hijo de puta und figlio di puttana. Here is an official Federal Holiday that WILL BE dropping off & going away on the new calendar....
O IV 18
Happy 10-4 one & all. It’s INTERNATIONAL CB radio day good buddy so strap your ears on and hit the road. Oh, and break one-nine. Up...
O third 18
There truly is no place like home. So glad to be back at the cloud where upon entering the place smelled strangely familiar. Stuffy and...
Il O 2018
Shhhhhhhh por favor. Guillermo Sanchez reporting from Forth Worth, Texas in USA. On green 18. David Snyder of Stanford has a 4 footer...
30 S 2018
Sanchez reporting from Paris, France and Ryder Cup matches but not for long. Get call from Boss in USA. Him say get out of there (here)...