XXX D 2018
The End, the LAST of 2018. Most likely or in all likelihood this is IT for 2018 and the next time we huddle it will be a New Year or...
28 D 18
In the final dregs of 2018, the dead days of the current calendar and even the past calendar of the Maya, I have decided and declared I...
24 December 2018
It’s FINALLY here. Christmas 2018. Roughly 24 hours and it will be all over & things can return to the more normal and ordinary rhythms...

Notice with today's date designation there are (is ?) NO SPACE and everything is running together. Well, as the Blessed day approaches,...
18 12 18
I was thinking this would be a good date for a war … get it? 1812 as in War of 1812. Oh, I forgot … you’re not ‘into’ history? The...
16 12 18
Once again stellar numbers so B-I-N-G-O. Time for an entry and a report from the edge of the cloud. OMG, IS IT REALLY YOU AND ARE YOU...
12 D 18
Bill here on the run, dodging indians and Native Americans so I only have nano-time. A magic numerical day and I simply could not pass...
8 12 18
Another cold pearl gray morning here at the cloud. Once again I cancelled participation in another event and have thus inherited some...

D 1 18
What a long strange trip it was. Returned to the friendly confines of the cloud shortly after noon today after the final leg doing the...