Twenty-four F 2019
Happy Sunday but of course as mentioned previously, they all run together. It doesn’t seem to matter but I am thinking maybe it’s just...

XXII February 2019
I just happened to glance at a calendar and realized it was Friday again. Or as we well-heeled travelers on the other side well know and...

Greetings from McK and the cloud-base of the Acclimator. It’s Tuesday and after two, TWO (2) ‘C+’ entries, it’s time for a rebound...
17 F
Sunday. The wheels came off and things are set-backs are compounding not unmanageable or overwhelming simply exhausting and draining. I...
XVI F 19
Sixteen F, out of ‘f’ function-keys on this keyboard AND with the return of cold and lack of a charged battery, starting up this morning...

14 F 19
Greetings Fans and welcome to yet another installment of 50 shades of Bill. In this episode, we’ll hit on the calendar, weather, plans...
F 11
Another dreary day has broken here and it being a Monday, and chilly, it seems like the perfect storm. I experienced a great deal of...
Ocho F 19
XLVIII. This will be a 48-hour recapitulation looking forward AND in the rearview. Unprecedented really but it is cold. How cold is it?...
F 4
Monday Monday. Another evening entry as the Earl is fed, cleaned up and relaxing listening to the Stars v AZ Coyotes from downtown. ...

Groundhog day
HELL-LOOooWWw !?! (echo bouncing 100-1000x). This is Bill, the darkness is overwhelming, the depression IS real and on groundhog day. In...