Last Entry March 2019*
* - ANTICIPATED and MOST likely but not yet cast in concrete. Dreary Saturday morning as it rained over night and there was a visitor....
23rd day, March. Year of our Lord
This is the city. I am forced to work here. But I live in the cloud which is much cleaner, peaceful and tranquil. It is a space...

Marz dos equiis
The Battle of Bill v InfluenZa A rages on and Tuesday was a big confidence day after a slight setback overall on Monday. But what can...
Ides of March
You don’t have to be J Caesar to understand both the danger and significance of this day. Sherlock Holmes for that matter. I have...
Bill v Influenza A
All rise. This milestone hearing is strictly and for the sole purpose of paid members only. If your membership has lapsed, why would...
Three 12 19
Yeah hi Fans and some confusion rains this morning. Not certain if I have died or am dying as I was diagnosed yesterday with influenza....

Ash Wednesday
A late report, post game entry or recapitulation from this significant day. Forget the numbers. No question of the importance and the...

Fat Tuesday
Again three (3) prime numbers so another numerically significant day. However the religious overtones trumps the numbers in this case. ...
March First
Three-three nineteen (3-3-19) THREE (3) Prime numbers so numerically significant date PLUS it has been a while and much water has passed...