So yesterday afternoon I made yet another discovery on the smartphone that I found amusing and ironic that I will share this morning...
A classic BEAUTIFUL Day underway here at the cloud. The sun has appeared however with some degree of difficulty the morning has a cool...
BIG Day for the drug peeps and stoners so I am told. Far behind THAT curve. It’s just another day sheltering and relishing in the...

Tough crowd as Rodney D was fond of saying. ‘Too many links’,’ lacking substance’ are a sample of complaints from the previous report of...

Lacking significant inspiration and motivation this day. Starting with a short entry Plan mostly editorials with quick comments. ...

Easter Sunday MMXX
The birds outside are exceptionally loud apparently oblivious to the pandemic, social distancing and sheltering in place. Perhaps they...
Good Friday and a significant date on the Liturgical calendar and therefore will ALWAYS remain on the new calendar according to Bill....
What a magnificent numerical day for it is a complex fraction. Think 4/8/20 will reduce to three (3) THREE primes and that is 1/2/5. I...

Still working on the official ‘date’ designator format but getting closer. The objective(s) are as few key strokes as necessary and...
A new day and a new month, and the day breaks calm, clear and cool. Simply a great day to be alive. The sun is rising starting its...