11:30 N 20 /LAST
Fret knot Fans this is the ‘LAST’ entry for the month of N aka November. ANY rumor of my demise is exaggerated or wishful thinking on the...
28 N 2020
Has it been honestly ten, TEN (10) days since the last report? Seriously? That has to be some sort of record. ARE YOU GOING TO BEAT...

WOW!! Working on submitting on-line application to the Woodlands Waterway Art Festival for 2021. Not that difficult but I needed to...
Foreteen N MMXX
Well we dodged the 13F bullet successfully neither harm nor foul and now moving forward. Saturday morning, Yet another GORGEOUS day and...
11-12 MMXX
Happy Birthday S1, Bd12, Br12 teammate and line mate turning 34 this day. Tomorrow is Double Whammy and NO ENTRY, exercising UTMOST...

20 = 11 + 9
Number nine, number 9, #9 paging number nein. Plus 11 as in the month of ‘N’ equals 20 (the year) get it? Today’s date is an equation if...
It’s now Sunday, quite late and I have been up now since the Wi (aka WEE, pronounced ‘we’ (Fr ‘oui’)). Once again cause to celebrate ......
Second Entry for N 2020
It’s Friday and the Universal Day to celebrate. Find SOMETHING to celebrate and drag yourself out of the doldrums for crying out loud OR...

N 2020 First
Well Fans the election is ust around the corner TOMORROW and if you THINK the circus is going to end, think again. Perhaps you are...