Fluid this day witness changes to the Plan on the Fly. NEVER a problem so long as there is total agreement and it makes sense. And with...

25 F 21
Sluggish starting to this day. Ten (10) months until Christmas and what better time to start shopping? Inquire about a special order or...
2 21 2021
How about THIS for a Date Fans? Twos, ones and a zero. Something cryptic like a da Vinky code so you wrap your lips around THAT. Por...
EEEeeeooo…ahhh breaker, breaker break that one-nine (19) you got your ears on good buddy? I think I know how Puxatony Bill feels this...

15/ + February 2021: Day I
A Survivor’s (so far) log. Conditions have deteriorated further to Dangerous and to follow is a transcribed account of what HOPEFULLY...
XIV febrero MMXXI
Conditions have gone deteriorated from chilly, to cold, to blistering, to brutal and now life-threatening AND it’s going to get colder...
A Thursday. The BRUTAL cold continues. The blinds are down for mental health considerations. The heat is on warming the castle. I THINK...
F X 21
This morning … C.O.L.D. HAS TO BE the dreaded Arctic vortex or as we locals prefer to call it the Dead of Winter. Checking the numbers...

No, not the function key. It’s Monday, first day of the week, new month and we move in to the New Year 2021. I awoke and thought ‘YES...