3:30 Mar 2021
I know, I know. I was going to take the rest of March off but I woke up early (again) and the date I simply could not resist or pass up....
March now is dragging on and I am trying to wait patiently in Procrastination Station. But for what? April will drag on as well when the...
27 Marzo 21
Saturday morning with a clean slate and only fun activities on the schedule all day within the friendly confinements of home. Last night...
XXV M 21
A roller coaster day has started here at the cloud. It rained hard most of the night with brilliant lightning flashes and thunder mostly...
Tuesday 23 M 21
Time out for a fast update relative to mid-course corrections. Already busy this morning as the WWAF is now moving into the two week...
A suitable numerical pattern today but a report is overdue. The volume of cards, concerns expressed and prayers have all been greatly...
Ides of March 2021
One J Caesar suffered what many great leaders succumbed to. One does not get to the top without climbing up and over the backs of others....
Happy Pi (π) day everyone and may God and Aristotle Bless you. And toss in Pythagoras this day only. With the new calendar observances...

12 3 21 Fryday
March continues to roar and the largest question that looms on the mental horizon becomes can it be maintained and sustained ? Observe...
3 · 9 · 21 Twosday
And the Final Jeopardy answer is … [ping] Mubootoo 'What is three (3). Lowest common multiple …' 'And how much did you wager ?'...