21 May 21
Crushed for time here this morning at zero-dark-30. There is a bird singly madly and I must call (aka ‘reach out’) Walt to find which it...
Monday XVII Mā
It’s Monday, 6:00am and it’s raining. NEWSFLASH. I could end it all right here and that would be enough said. SUCH TALK IS NOT...
Ides of Mā
Today is an important date in the personal history of Bill. This day in 1988 I accepted the offer to relocate from the penal colony known...

14 Mā 2021
Did you ever wake up in the morning and have a song or lyrics or a melody that wouldn’t stop playing looping over and over in your mind?...
WELCOME BACK!! I have been on the road, out-of-pocket or out-of-town and returning yesterday and settling in nicely Thank you very...

Cinco de Mayo 2021
Happy Cinco de Mayo EVERYONE !! The ONLY reason I am putting fingers to keyboard this day is THEE Holiday. Last evenings Cinco de Mayo...
May One: Kentucky Derby day
May NOT. First of My, OFFICIAL two-character designator for this month and we go forward. You know things are returning to ‘normal’ as...