9:30 ALL DAY and it looks like a good one. Heading up US75 aka THEE Central ‘Expressway’ to Glen’s sawmill with Donnie & Charlie. WHAT...

Hey Fans real quick as I am right in the middle of working the database for the Galveston show and the website for their ‘virtual’ show. ...
26th Sunday:Ordinary time
Rolling up I45 away from Houston after the show Saturday in the Woodlands. The day is pleasant, the traffic as well-behaved as a set of...
Late entry and surprise. A full day, organized to optimize productivity and kept attacking the priority projects ALL day. I dropped one...
3rd Monday of S
Early Monday morning and a quick note to dash as it is now CRUNCH time. Later this week the wheels actually begin turning and as I was...
Break 19 S
Iffen you have your ears on, an important message follows. It is Sunday, early and I have stolen some ‘free’ time. NOT MUCH so don’t get...
18 S 21
Dia de la concepcion Celebrating BIG TIME this day. Think 360, global and intergalactic. Stellar event follows, news, directions and...

Ides of S
Hump day. Mittwoch and what’ll it be one hump or two? So the 13th was an ‘off’ day on superstition, I had planned on 14 but I was a bit...
Nein, nein
No, no, no, noooo … say you don’t need no diamond ring and I’ll be satisfied. Sitting, pondering in the dark whatever happened to the...
As one can clearly see, today is a numerically significant date as the numbers are arranged all in descending order. Not such a rare...