2 22 22
Today’s reading is from Bill’s Book of Numbers. The date is the same front to back and in fact, thanks to Emma, ALL dates this week when...

The Fighting falcon … taking a break from the F= calendar functional concept, conversion and transformation. The GD (General Dynamics)...
f 13
Good morning & greetings from the edge where a deceptive day is already underway. Today we are breaking policy and protocols by doing a...

F 11
11 F 22 Significant numerical pattern this day however I do not want to get bogged on numbers today. Real quick again as it is a Friday,...
4 F
Real quick report as we are headed into a cold weekend so spirits everywhere need a lift. I know it’s not much but the LEAST I can do to...
Groundhog Day 22
It COULD be 2/2/22 ... just saying … spin ALWAYS lurks just beneath the veneer. Such a date only comes around every 10 -100 years or...
F 1
A new day, new month and into the new year. Cheers to a Fresh Start. For some strange or perhaps it is even a bizarre reason I am...